By Anonymous - 08/12/2010 21:31 - United Kingdom

Today, I got feedback on an essay I wrote, by my mum who is also a teacher. She said it was 'worse than most of her pupils'. She teaches 10-year-olds. I'm a 20-year-old student at university. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 682
You deserved it 21 644

Same thing different taste

Underfunded and underappreciated

By lrn2spel, teach - This FML is from back in 2013 but it's good stuff - United States - Mogadore

Today, I got back the essay I wrote about how my country's education system is fucked. At one point, I made a spelling mistake. My teacher wrote a note about it, basically calling me illiterate, and telling me to pay attention in school instead of whining about it. She misspelled "school". FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 056
You deserved it 4 674

Top comments


probably. I'm also pretty sure essays are not written in grade 5...

I wrote essays starting in 4th but they only had an into 1 body paragraph and 1 conclusions and a paragraph only had 3-5 sentences

Based on the phrasing of the FML, I have absolutely no doubt that your mother is completely right.

Well the ops mom isn't much better, referring to herself in the third person and what not!

treesdevin 0

i think he juss quotedd wrong ....

I completely agree with Doc. The first sentence alone has three mistakes: a comma splice, a missing comma, and the ambiguous phrase of "also a teacher." If that's how you wrote your FML, I can only imagine how god-awful your essay was.

dudeitsdanny 9

It was pretty awfully written. Made it sound like the essay was written by his mom. And the also made it sound like there was supposed to be a different teacher involved. And people blame Americans for the butchering of English..

Well, #52, that was just unnecessary. All languages have several dialects. Yours being the original doesn't necessarily make it the only good one. It's stupid, arrogant pricks like you that ensure that the human race will never be truly united, and will die out as a result. I agree with Doc as well.

dudeitsdanny 9

What? I didn't say that? I was pointing out that it's not just Americans who ruin English, but every country who speaks it has people ruining it. Did you even read what I wrote? Because, if you had, you'd know the English I speak is not the one from England. I didn't call either dialect superior, or inferior. I said the English butcher it just as much as Americans do. I also said that people blame Americans, not that I did. My god, people truly read what they want out of a sentence. I don't even know how to even reply to you. You obviously read "americans butcher" and posted without finishing. I'm quite fond of the fact that there's various dialects. Sometimes I say "bloody hell" and I'm American ;P i also call my couch a chesterfield. Kindly take the time to read the posts before replying next time.

Sorry #80. I misread what you typed. it wasn't long after I'd woken up.

AMAZINashleigh 6
AMAZINashleigh 6

yeah I know! I'm supposed to be like 27! why won't these clubs be let me in? :(

it say's you're from the UK yet you say "mom" no wonder she ******* said that if you speak american

You have to go to university to become a teacher... listen to your mom, she knows what the profs expect to see on an essay. She probably also knows exactly what your grade will be if you turn in that piece of crap. YDI for expecting your mother to lie to you.

ckjacques53198 0

you must be stupid. plus your mom is a douche

tell her you told your prof your mother is a teacher and she looked it over and said it looks great.