By nightjay - 11/07/2016 14:32 - United States - Cincinnati

By nightjay - 11/07/2016 14:32 - United States - Cincinnati
Hi, OP here! It was just a casual morning today, and since my mom usually waits for me to get up (because I'm usually pretty lazy out of bed), they wouldn't leave my bedside. Not wanting to embarrass myself in front of my extremely Catholic mom, I said no when she kept on telling me to get up. Finally, laying on my side (facing away from my mom) she boils over and pulls the covers off, and in my attempt to save my covers from falling on the floor, she sees my boner and immediately assumes I was masturbating. I don't know which was worse: getting grounded, getting the "masturbation is evil" talk, or having my mom see my dick. Triple FML. Thanks for the support! All the penis-puns make me smile :)
Do your parents understand... well.. anything?
Since it seems as if the parents have no idea how basic human physiology works, I would have to assume that OP is a miracle baby and was immaculately conceived.
You shouldn't be so hard on them
You should be careful, though. You don't want to thrust a lot of information at them. Their brains pulsating and throbbing until they're dribbling all over the carpet.
Shit m8 u got featured
So instead of the Immaculate Reception, OP was the the Immaculate Conception?
How DARE you have a boner! Shame on you for being a normal male! Sorry OP, that really sucks, I wonder why your parents aren't more understanding.
Why did your parents even take notice of that and point it out to you? It's perfectly normal. OP's parents are kinda weird...
Is your penis the real Slim Shady? Because he stood up.
LOL that's a real penis-puller.
did they ever even learned basic biology!?
did you ever even learned basic grammar!?
And is one of these parents a male?
OP's parents reproduce asexually.
Do you have two moms? how were you not defended
dad's are usually two much of cowards to stand op to there wife's. I watch my dad. chicken out each day to the whim of my mom
Mothers "wood" not understand.
**** your puns
The morning monster can't be controlled.
must be pretty hard on you ;)
Do your parents understand... well.. anything?
How DARE you have a boner! Shame on you for being a normal male! Sorry OP, that really sucks, I wonder why your parents aren't more understanding.