By Face - 09/01/2010 10:12 - Australia

Today, I got hit in the face with a piece of bacon. FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 354
You deserved it 34 743

Same thing different taste

Top comments

showtimen0w 0

This is a good thing, not an FML. Everyone loves bacon.


5oforlife 0

moderator fail. stupidest fml i have seen yet

Unless Yous Muslim or Jewish then I'd say get over it!!! Eat it Bacon is Yummmmmy!!!

Gabby125 0

This is just proof of how far FML has fallen. This site used to be hilarious and now everything on it is just stupid shit like this. NO ONE CARES!!!

Unless you're a vegetarian or can't eat meat for a legitimate reason, it's sounding more like your life is average. There are too many details left out to honestly determine, but I'm having a hard time finding this FML-worthy without an awesome backstory.

Hmm...odd. My comment's was the first one...Don't know why it's been removed. It's not like I said "FIRST!" or anything...I actually have a life >.

waterynuggets 0

It's only a matter of time before they deactivate comments completely on this dumbass FML.

lol. I thought you were calling me a dumbass then xD and I totally agree. As far as the more recent FML's go...this one is just...pathetic. I think a group of monkeys have been moderating FMLs recently >.

This is a funny story, but it's not an FML...

lol that was my laugh of the day thank you