By mobigomo - 27/05/2015 06:48 - United States - Seattle

Today, I got hit on by an attractive young doctor. After talking for a while we realized that we recognized each other but couldn't figure out how. Then he remembered. He was the one who'd delivered my 10 1/2 lb baby 7 months ago. I stood out because my vag tore worse than anything he'd ever seen. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 563
You deserved it 3 024

mobigomo tells us more.

Honestly it was 100% my fault I teared. Going deep in the realm of TMI this is pretty much what happened. I didn't have an epidural so I was feeling the "ring of fire" like a mofo but he had told me to hold off on pushing for a moment because he was trying to relubricate and massage me open more so I could push my sons head out. Would have worked fine if I hadn't had a crazy intense contraction which made me push extremely hard while his fingers were in there, which made me tear right through. He did an amazing job stitching me up. Really after he realized who I was his interest was more in how I healed and if he stitched me up ok. Apparently he was super new and it was only his 4th day working in the hospital as an attending doctor. He was great though. I was really happy with my experience overall, except for the tearing through to my butthole part.

Top comments

Honestly all I can say is bless your heart for going through that

That sounds incredibly painful. Probably not a turn on for him either. Sorry about that.


10 1/2 lbs??? What the heck did you eat during your pregancy? Whole horses??

What you eat doesn't determine how big your baby is. I guess unless you have gestational diabetes. Big babies just run on my exes side. My ex was a premie but his father was 12 lb 14 oz. No one thought to warn me about this until after I had already had my son -.-

I've heard of perennial massage before. Even having a warm face cloth works too to loosen up the muscles and massage it. I didn't do it with my son because I only heard about it after he was born, I didn't tear though or anything so I was lucky that way. I'm hoping my 2nd is the same, easy to come out haha.

I know a girl who had an 11lb baby! The doctors wouldn't even let her try to deliver him vaginally.

I don't consider this TMI at all, I find it really fascinating. But also as a person who has not had any children, it makes my vag hurt just reading about it. @_@ Glad you're alright now, OP!

Now I'm kinda glad I was born 9 pounds 6 ounces 3 weeks early. I would have been 12 damn pounds if my mom waited until my original due date.