By Anonymous - 17/11/2011 02:24 - United States

Today, I got into a car accident. The other party left the scene immediately after without exchanging insurance information. Deer can be so rude. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 575
You deserved it 8 774

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It obviously didn't have the doe to pay, so it is trying to make a buck.


Wow, dinner meat on the run! Should hit him harder!

Stagnabit! If that was Homer Simpson then it would have been a real "DOE" moment. If it had been me then it would have been a Bucking hell moment! Could have been worse though. I saw a the remains of a little deer on the road this morning on the way to work. It got absolutely creamed. As in one leg on the other side of the road, remains all squished out like a pancake.. guts everywhere... ... anyone else hungry now or just me?

In Canada there is no such thing as a car accident. They are all called collisions. Something collided with your car or you collided into it. Trying to train us to understand no matter what it's human error and not an accident. (personally I think that's kinda dumb) a deer ran into the back door of my brother's car at night! How can that be his fault or classified as human error! He didn't miss judge anything! Good luck OP

My point being insurance companies can be real hard ass dicks about paying for damages you can't prove. So when the deer ran off ...OP will have to prove it!

I'm from Canada too. It's people like you who make others think us Canadians are dumb. So, in short, shut your piehole since nobody actually cares what you're saying, especially considering I've only ever heard it called a "collision" by a cop. Once.

Seriously? I'm Canadian and we say car crash. Go collision yourself in front of a speeding bus.

florido_fml 10

Dear Mr Deer. Would you please pay my Car repair fee? Sincerely, the victim

Lol... It's cute how you put that. I give you props for that.:)

perdix 29

If the deer did stick around and whip out an insurance card, it's certainly a fake. Deer can't afford insurance -- it costs thousands of bucks!

That's what the damn deer get for partying in the middle of the road :p