By moxy - 24/01/2011 15:00
Same thing different taste
By prettyinpurple - 10/02/2009 04:54 - United States
By KobraKommander - 17/03/2010 11:51 - France
By cupcakelady127 - 23/03/2011 11:25 - United States
By LilaTheGreat - 05/05/2013 23:51 - United States - Boyd
It's the most wonderful time of the year
By Demona666 - 06/12/2021 08:01
By Anon - 09/02/2016 12:39 - United States - Toledo
By munchkin - 26/10/2009 06:35 - France
By calling_while_driving - 28/03/2011 07:37 - United States
By ttsutaoka - 11/07/2009 07:43 - United States
What are the odds?
By Anonymous - 25/11/2020 03:00 - Australia - Warners Bay
Top comments
so, good weed then?
Wow. Good job, you just won the idiot award! Asshole. You deserved it.
thank god you didn't kill anybody you piece of shit. for real... you suck
YDI. x 100^ infinity. I'm glad I wasn't nowhere near you, and if destiny permits, never will. Good luck trying to explain your situation to the police. I'm sure they will sent you straight to a shrink. At least once there you can pretend to be in space all you want. :P
He wants to be a ROCKET MAN!!
you shouldn't drive if you can't pay attention
I agree your life sucks. not because you got in a accident , but for the fact that your mom dropped you on the head when you were a baby and you became a complete abnormal retard for thinking your in space via dust ... o_O