By moxy - 24/01/2011 15:00

Today, I got into a car accident. Why? I was distracted by a floating spec of dust and was pretending I was in space. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 660
You deserved it 65 804

Same thing different taste

Top comments

you shouldn't drive if you can't pay attention

moshmosh 0

I agree your life sucks. not because you got in a accident , but for the fact that your mom dropped you on the head when you were a baby and you became a complete abnormal retard for thinking your in space via dust ... o_O


goodfella925 0
JustJess666 0

ok ill make sure to never drive in the same area as you. what a ****** idiot. you deserved it!

I guess OP was 'spacing out' a little...

Pandastorm 0

wanna know the most ironic part? at least 50% of the people b****ing on this FML have texted or still text while driving.

nero9112 4

Congratulations, you have been promoted from retard to vegetable.