By feeldumb - 11/06/2009 04:33 - United States

Today, I got into an argument with a 7 year old. He said that Obama was the 44th President, I said he was the 42nd. Guess who was right. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 096
You deserved it 86 353

Same thing different taste

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Actually, neither of them was right. Obama is technically the 43d President... Grover Cleveland was the only U.S President to serve two NON-consecutive terms, and therefore he was counted as TWO presidents. So, if you choose to be technical (Like me), Obama is the 43d.

Don't get in arguments with seven year olds. He probably read it off a poster at school. The end.


I don't know! Who was right?? Thanks for leaving me hanging!


Actually, neither of them was right. Obama is technically the 43d President... Grover Cleveland was the only U.S President to serve two NON-consecutive terms, and therefore he was counted as TWO presidents. So, if you choose to be technical (Like me), Obama is the 43d.

Hun he was 43 and 44th he had two terms as well..........Cuz Donald is 45th

That'd be like saying the Yankees 27 championships only count as one becuase its the same franchise...

amatayo 0

I think the real fml is that you really think people care!

KarelPhoenix 0

Well.. To be honest, I didn't know there were that many. Eh, but Im an idiot. You sir, should feel ashamed!

charleemander 0

Hahaha #15 is the winner haha

YDI. For being dumb, and for arguing with a 7 year old.

eyehurts 0

YDI. for being a dumbshit dont screw with little kids. they learn this crap in school.

I heard Obama was black. As a racist, that scares the shit out of me.