By Katrin - 30/10/2011 19:13 - Norway

Today, I got into my car after a long shift at work. When I looked in my rear view mirror, a horrifyingly evil face grinned at me from the back window. I leaped out of the car, only to be chased around by two people in clown masks. It turned out to be a prank set up by my co-workers. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 642
You deserved it 3 527

Same thing different taste

Top comments

riceicle1 6

Why did you get out your car? I would have hit reverse xD

beerankin 0

I mean, it is Halloween. But you shouldn't try to give your friends a heart attack. That sucks tho


cptmorgan6 8
saragr94 2

That always happen in Norway.

They should've made you watch IT before . You would've shit your pants. (:

leadman1989 15

So you LEAVE the safety of your car? Did you WANT to get raped?

Horrorfan 6

Horror movie rule # 12: always check the backseat and NEVER GET OUT OF THE CAR

OP is like the idiots in the horror movie who you yell at...they don't do the safe, logical thing like say...driving off. No no, they get OUT of the car and try to run.

Well, it look like your workplace send in the clowns.

sarahfml14 0

When I read this the first time I thought it said "today, after a long shit at work" ahaha

haha same here. high five for people with dyslexia!

Omg!!!! i'm terrified of clowns, I wouldve probaby started bawling ;(