By Anonymous - 19/09/2011 14:39 - United States

Today, I got kicked in the crotch. It popped my cherry. I lost my virginity to a shoe. FML
I agree, your life sucks 62 565
You deserved it 6 202

Same thing different taste

Top comments


U only Wish u weren't a virgin can't loose it just because ur popped ur cherry

Just because your hymen broke doesn't mean you are not a virgin. Women break their hymens all the time without haveing sex, like when horseback riding. You are still a virgin and when you do decide to have sex for the first time that will be losing your virginity.

OsirisFaction_fml 5

Can you now have an immaculate.conception?

jealouswaugh2424 0

I love the expression pop the cherry

don't be a tard, that is not losing your virginity.

If u started bleeding it was probably from your labia tearing not your membranes rupturing so unless the shoe went into your ******, your still a virgin and need to read a book about female anatomy.

My cousin kicked someone and did the same one