By Username - 10/07/2012 15:27 - United States

Today, I got mugged in broad daylight, in a park, by a teenage girl. To top it off, I'm a grown man. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 193
You deserved it 9 392

Same thing different taste

Top comments

These teenage girls are getting more and more aggressive! Incredible...

Was she pregnant? Just like the past 10 FMLs involving pregos this week.


Are you sure you're a grown man? Didn't act like one!

Was she like goth or something?? I'm not against goths or anything but they can get pretty aggressive..

Murder of Sophie Lancaster. Need I say more, you prejudging dimwit?

countrygirl626 16

I'm not goth, but I am a girl, and I can hit just as hard as a guy, if not harder.

KiddNYC1O 20

78- That wasn't necessary. It's terrible what happened to Sophie and her boyfriend.

mowmowlife 21

You suck for having a gender/age bias. If she's as young as she is and has a head to rob you she must know some of what she's doing. She could have had a knife, for all you disclosed. It's really too bad that you got mugged though, I'm sorry.

Something tells me that it was no mere girl, but Noor! She swooped down gracefully from the heavens, and her blade glistened against OP's neck, and she muttered: "Oh hell, you're not my target. Oh well, gimme your money!"

maronofhearts 19

Yeah I'm sure it was she probably left her cab fare back in the heavens and her bus pass in her other sheath. >.>

TheDrifter 23

Just give her a big, creepy smile and tell her she can have your wallet without a fight if she follows you into the nearest alley and doesn't scream. Everyone runs away when I make that offer, it's a real time saver.

jesikkah 4

Wow haha. Im sorry that sucks

Thats what happens for being a perv checking out teenage girls while her friends robs you

and why didn't you keep your pimp hand strong? let me guess you forgot the baby powder