By Nish - 30/10/2013 00:41 - United States - Kent

Today, I got my cats a new scratching post. They completely ignored it and tore apart the new felt on my pool table. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 173
You deserved it 5 094

Same thing different taste

Top comments

XxxT3rr4xxX 25

Those are some obnoxious cats you have there. You should teach them a lesson by,pooping in their litterbox and hiding the nip. That'll teach em.

How about we cut off the tips of your fingers and see how you like it? Declawing is cruel and takes away a cats main defense, leaving them feeling vulnerable and angry. It's an awful procedure that should never be performed, painful as hell and messes them up psychologically. Cats come with claws and if someone can't handle that, they shouldn't have cats.


Dogs suck even more. They would probably eat the pool table given the chance like they do to everything else.

Those kitties just volunteered for target practice...

I think it's an excellent time to de-claw them...

Seriously, dog destroys a shoe or cushion and no one advocates ripping their teeth from their head. But sooo many people have no problem harming a cat in the most abusive and inhumane way possible. Cats come with claws, just as dogs come with teeth, and both can be trained without any violence from cruel people.

squideth 18

And you're just a human. A pathetic, soulless one.

As a cat owner, you should have seen this coming a mile away :p...

They make little covers for kitty nails. I've never tried them. If your cat is patient, you can trim the ends of her nails with nail clippers. It won't hurt her as long as you don't trim them too short (the same for people nails).

That's why my moron of a cat is declawed. Because he wouldn't be living with me anymore if he'd ever done anything like that!

squideth 18

Yeah, you shouldn't have pets AT ALL if you can't handle the responsibility that comes with them, including the messes they sometimes make. I feel extremely sorry for your cat. You're a terrible selfish person.