By Nish - 30/10/2013 00:41 - United States - Kent

Today, I got my cats a new scratching post. They completely ignored it and tore apart the new felt on my pool table. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 173
You deserved it 5 094

Same thing different taste

Top comments

XxxT3rr4xxX 25

Those are some obnoxious cats you have there. You should teach them a lesson by,pooping in their litterbox and hiding the nip. That'll teach em.

How about we cut off the tips of your fingers and see how you like it? Declawing is cruel and takes away a cats main defense, leaving them feeling vulnerable and angry. It's an awful procedure that should never be performed, painful as hell and messes them up psychologically. Cats come with claws and if someone can't handle that, they shouldn't have cats.


Whats yours is your cats too. Whats theirs is theirs.

Perhaps you should keep a cover over it from now on? Not that it'd make much difference now that it's ripped to shreds but for when you get it fixed (assuming you will) and invest in a water spray bottle. Cats really like to claim the whole house as theirs... I just recently adopted a kitten and he is manic when he gets in his moods. He tries to feed off my dogs nipples and has already taken over her bed and food bowl.

justmeCee 16

Lol @ your kitty! Once you get him/her fixed and shots he'll calm down a bit. I don't use the water spray bottle tho because my cats just think I'm playing. They're weirdo cats and love water. :) I suggest just yelling get and snapping your fingers. It works! Have fun with your new kitty! :)

Get a felt scratching pad? Do keep the table covered.

YDI for having a cat in the first place......

justmeCee 16

It takes more than just buying a scratching post for cats to use them. You need to train your cats from the beginning. My cats get off furniture and stop their non sense when I yell 'get' and snap my fingers. They can definitely be trusted around furniture. Unless your cat is actually a kitten and not trained yet, then I'd have to say ydi for failing to train your cat properly, so the animal knows its place. It does suck though that it ruined your pool table, but should of known not to jump up on it. Pets will only do what you let them get away with. If you get your table fixed, I suggest you get a cover to put over it when you're not using it.

My dad brought my cats this really big Scratching post, they would take naps on it but continue to scratch the furniture. Don't get my started on the chewing of phone chargers. Smh.

I hate cats and they've done nothing but piss me too lol

Yep. Sounds about right. Mine once played with the container her expensive toy came in for hours while completely ignoring the toy.

Get a dog instead. But don't get a small one. Any dog under 50 pounds is a cat and cats are pointless.

Because dogs definitely won't destroy anything....

monnanon 13

never heard of a cat mauling a child to death so yeah cats win in my book.