By embarassed_chick - 24/08/2009 19:59 - United States

Today, I got my first period. My dad bought me a card and had everyone in my family sign it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 57 700
You deserved it 4 780

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Rach17 0

Oh, God, your life SUCKS. My dad wouldn't even want to KNOW I started my period. :) He'll just have my mom take care of it. :)

fosizzlemynizzlE 0

you're profile says you're 19 years old. and ******* twilight is your photo. dont be calling other people toddlers when you're barely in college, bitch.


#26, hahaha. Nice. OP, ok, so your family is inappropriate. It's a nice gesture. They probably (especially your dad) don't realize how weird it comes across. Welcome to womanhood, lol.

YDI for being a woman. This is your punishment.

and that's why you aren't gonna get any

Wow... was there at least a gift card? Perhaps a funny poem? TBH, I didn't know Hallmark made a card for this kind of occasion.

Cream parties... I laughed so hard I almost died of asphyxia. That being said, I agree with SOMAgirl (to SOME extent). I don't like discussing that stuff with my male family members any more than I like them discussing with me their erections or ejaculation haha. But it's true that women are being taught to feel ashamed of something totally natural. I guess if I had that kind of relationship with my male family members, I wouldn't really mind. Periods are as normal as a guy's voice deepening, and that is celebrated.

What's wrong with being a woman? I mean if your daddy-os still with your momma, I'm pretty positive the reason why he got you a card is because he knows what it's like to come home to a woman with her period and her first period? That's like 12 times the disaster, but otherwise later in life when you're all used to your period, a guy will bring you flowers, candy, etc.

Actually, first periods aren't that bad. Your hormones increase over time and then decrease again. Most people get their "worst" periods in their early twenties. That's when a lot of women first discover they have cystic ovaries because the cramping pain gets so bad. The cysts may have been their for years but the natural influx of hormones agitates the condition. Most women I know didn't get any sort of PMS until their late teens, even. Also, OP, I would be thankful to have a dad that celebrates instead of decries your period. Is it embarrassing? Yes, perhaps. With so many men acting like peiords tu♦rn women into monsters, however, making faces and running away at the very thought of it, consider having one who thinks it's special something of a gift.

I really dont get why women getting their frist period is so special... "Oh hey i just got my first ejaculation! Let's tell tell everyone in our family so they can know I'm a man!" But whatever, i wouldn't say YDI but at least your father tried to be nice so i wouldn't say it sucked either

You know what? I am going to MAKE that card. Everyone will laugh and say - "That is inappropriate and silly!" But they will see... you will all see! My line of first ejaculation cards will rule the world through your local Hallmark stores!

curryndricegirll 0

well...first period means you can have babies. first ejaculation...?

First ejaculation means you can have babies also. It's a sign your semen have matured to the reproductive point. If you can't ejaculate, you can not spread your seed... well.. normally, anyway.

OMGitsKaleyxo 0

wow id be so embarrased. haha when i got mine my dads like "oh. thats um. nice." and walks away really fast. haa.

chocolatemilk14 0

You call this an FML? Really? This is pathetic, you have a dad that cares about you. My dad buys my tampons, you really need to get over it. If you think your life is ending over something like this then you are in for a suprise when something actually bad happens to you.

At least you got something! My mom just told everyone and I didn't even get a card.

JoeJoe711 0

Lol, my sister was at softball practice when she got hers and my dad (the coach) didn't know what to do (first girl) so he asked all the moms their if she could borrow any "feminem wet wipes." lmao