By Lenny_R - 08/12/2016 19:53

Today, I got pulled over for having an expired registration. I also found out my husband hasn't been paying for my car insurance. Luckily, I didn't get arrested because I had my baby with me. They towed my car and gave me 2 tickets and a court date. Oh, and the cop sent me a friend request. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 426
You deserved it 905

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Although you got two tickets and your car towed, at least you didn't get arrested. You should maybe have a talk with you husband though.

Pretty sure #7 is talking about accepting the friend request, Ghost


File a complaint with the PD, they probably have a policy prohibiting this

The friend request probably means you didn't get arrested because you're an attractive young woman, not because of your baby.

sgdigaetano 3

Ditch the loser husband and friend the cop.

The officer's behavior trying to "friend " you is not ethical.

Why? The cop didn't do anything unethical. He didn't offer to sleep with her to avoid getting towed. The police may be looking for evidence through a casual friend request.

You and the hubby needs to have a serious conversation! That's messed up, luckily the officer wasn't mean and allowed u to go home with your child. As for the friend request, that's a bit weird.

So a police officer is not allowed to have friends? A friend request, in and of itself, is not unethical.

Wait no... These are all you fault... You should know whether or not your car is registered and whether or not you have insurance You're supposed to keep those papers in the car... So you at any time could/should have known about them

If she's just had a baby, I'm pretty sure none of these things would be on her mind. In my country, we don't carry those details around with us, in fact my partner got done because there was no notification as to when his rego expired, and he'd been under a lot of stress at the time and didn't realise the date passed. Also doesn't list on the FML where she's from.

aelarol 5

Well do think he'll make a god stepdad?

aelarol 5

Actually I believe this is a civil offense punishable by fines not a criminal offense like drunk driving.

Depends on the state. Every state is different and the penalties vary from community service up to and including imprisonment in some states.