By SpLo0gIeR - 13/02/2012 15:30 - United States
SpLo0gIeR tells us more.
Funny thing is he laughed and gave me a warning :)
Top comments
You're an idiot, saying stupid things like that isn't a 'reflex'. I'm surprised you didn't get a ticket for underage driving, you immature little jerkoff.
Niiiice thats actually pretty funny but he was prob pissed
Well the second "your mom" fml in a couple of days. Everyone prepare for a deluge of "your mom" fmls in the next week. This one is actually funny though unlike the other, but still if your reflexively saying your mom jokes you need to expand your sense of humor.
YDI. Seriously, grow up
what a dumb question. are they hoping to hear I'm coming from my drug dealers house? or just got done chopping up a body.
Bet it wasn't....
Lol thats so funny, YDI. What was his reply?
Laughed and gave me a warning :)
then how is it an fml?
omg omg thats soooo funny lol im guna have to say that see what the cop dose lmao
I call shinanagins! That did not actually happen
I bet your ticket price went up after that!
should have "reflexively" kept your mouth shut.