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By Apparentlycreepy - 03/03/2011 07:24 - United States

Today, I got rejected by two different guys. One was my ex-boyfriend who said he wanted to keep our friendship, and the other was a guy I went on a date with who faked a European accent the whole time during our date despite him being born and raised in Texas. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 606
You deserved it 6 633

Same thing different taste

Top comments

What does OP mean by a European accent? I live in Europe but there's a lot of different accents. :-o

YDI for being desperate. How could you even consider asking two people out on the same day. Moron.


kingtz 6

YDI for being desperate enough to try and get back with your ex and some douche bag whom you knew was faking an accent.

I gotta say, I don't really see either of those as a loss. You gained a friend, and lost a weirdo. Maybe I'm missing something? Just be yourself, OP...and let life happen. The right guy will come in to your life when it's meant to happen.

agreed. if the person your with is completely false on the first date, you're better off without them. F his life for having to put on a show to get a date.

19fml18 0

it's funny how everyone thinks that texans have a true Texas accent. I'm from Texas, and I hardly know anyone with an accent, give or take a couple of people

uranidot 0

idiot. Just because you don't notice an accent, doesn't mean it isn't there. Texans do speak in a manner very distinct from other regions of the USA, even if it's not as exaggerated as is stereotypical of them.

Are you high? Virtually everyone I know in Texas (whether they were born here or have just lived here awhile - my boyfriend's from California and even he's developed one) has a distinct accent. I'm from Houston and most of the time I can identify regional dialects just by listening for a minute. If you honestly think none of us have an accent then maybe you ought to get your ears checked.

no such think as a 'European' accent. theres English (obviously different regions but in general) scottish irish welsh french german italian spanish... OP your an idot. americans! honestly!

You just made my morning. I love watching stupid people call other people names. Especially when they prove their own idiocy in the process. Thank you, idoj1, for that brilliant comment.


texans are the best! need to have your wits about you when around them.

Hisbabyforever 0

This reminds me of beauty and the briefcase, where a guy pretends to have an exotic accent even though he's American.

Neither one of those guys sounds like a keeper. Why would you be upset about them OP? Sounds like you are very desperate and don't actually care who you are having a relationship with. Or maybe you are one of those people who believe that the person of their choice will just magically turn into a prince charming as soon as they start dating you. In any case, being more selective about your choice of significant other wouldn't hurt. Get some self respect and stop going after losers. Then maybe you are not going to be in a situation where you have to bitch about them on the internet.

NotANoob 0

WHAT THE HELL? what the **** is a european accent? I'm english (we HATE being called british btw) we have tons of different accents all over england alone. French people have their accents, spanish with their accents, e.t.c. SO WHAT THE HELL IS A EUROPEAN ACCENT?