By Hungry - 27/12/2013 14:01 - United States - Appleton

Today, I got written up at work for clocking back in from lunch early. Yesterday I got a verbal warning for coming back late. I'm scared to go to lunch at all now. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 903
You deserved it 4 694

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Try and be right on time is the only advice I can offer.

Jeez, is he trying to keep the office in lockdown or something?


Wouldn't it be more efficient for oh I don't know... WORK if you came back early??

Your comment makes no sense. Nowhere does it say op didn't work when she came back early...

ems215 2

Verbal warning? Me thinks that this person works for Trader Joe's. A horrendous place to work due to favoritism.

If you go out, I suggest coming a minute early and clock in right on time. Then your boss couldn't complain about you being there right on time

thisismyhead 25

Why don't you try clocking in exactly when you're supposed to. Common sense.

Did you try to go for an "intern" lunch? Lol

Are you working an 8 hour shift? If you are it's required that you take a lunch, typically an hour lunch. If you come back early the business could face legal stuff. It's kinda stupid but it's the law.

try being on time and youll be alright.

My boss just warned us about clocking in early from lunch too... Irritating

amberdea404 28

Just be on time. It'll be fine

How early and how late are we talking here?