By nolovefor21 - 16/01/2014 11:45 - Australia - Wentworthville

Today, I hacked into my best friend's Facebook account to message my mother about organizing a surprise party for myself for my 21st. She ignored the message for two days before replying, "I don't think so. No one would really show up and I think that would hurt her feelings." FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 580
You deserved it 20 541

nolovefor21 tells us more.

OP here, I didnt "hack" into her account really, I asked her if I could use her account to try and plan myself a surprise party.. Mainly because Ive always wanted one but never had anyone step up to do it. She gave me her password so I could do it. But apparently that was a waste of time according to my mother...

Top comments

I'm not surprised that no one would show up for your birthday party. You apparently invade the privacy of your friends. YDI.

well I guess its time to organize your own birthday party :)


I would have said YDI for hacking your friend's FB account, but no one deserves to find out that's what their mom thinks of them. I hope you still have a great birthday, though!

ZY1431 24

well I suggest you throw ur own party by hitting the bar or casino if theres one near you.

I wouldn't be throwing a surprise party for someone who thought it was okay to invade my privacy either

you're turning 21, go to some bars, get your birthday shots, and have a blast..... by yourself if you have to.

Maybe you shouldn't have been greedy along with invading your friend's privacy. You so deserved this.

Hope the hack was worth losing a friendship and getting denied a party. Ur 21 party like it then act like it!

What did you think would happen when your best friend found out you hacked her account?