By nolovefor21 - 16/01/2014 11:45 - Australia - Wentworthville

Today, I hacked into my best friend's Facebook account to message my mother about organizing a surprise party for myself for my 21st. She ignored the message for two days before replying, "I don't think so. No one would really show up and I think that would hurt her feelings." FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 580
You deserved it 20 541

nolovefor21 tells us more.

OP here, I didnt "hack" into her account really, I asked her if I could use her account to try and plan myself a surprise party.. Mainly because Ive always wanted one but never had anyone step up to do it. She gave me her password so I could do it. But apparently that was a waste of time according to my mother...

Top comments

I'm not surprised that no one would show up for your birthday party. You apparently invade the privacy of your friends. YDI.

well I guess its time to organize your own birthday party :)


SuperMew 22

You really need to rethink your life. After 18, birthdays are up to the birthday girl/boy to plan. I have dinner with my family during the week of my birthday, but sometimes we can't even manage that and do it sometime in the month before are after. What I am trying to say is, you have a best friend OP, you have some form of family. You don't have to have a huge party to be cool. While it would be nice to be the most popular person on the planet and have a million people cheering you on, you have what many people would want. You have a friend and you have family still alive. Celebrate your life with the people who matter or, if you do not cherish those sort of things, go to a bar with strangers. But no one owes you a party and the great thing about a surprise is not planning it yourself. On another note, you might want to rethink your behavior. You hacked a friends account. And obviously people do not seem overjoyed about being at a party with you. Might want to change your behavior.

You need to rethink your life indeed. After 18, you get charged as an adult for hacking. Unless you just took advantage of an unsecured laptop. Either way, YDI.

SuperMew 22

I think OP prolly took advantage of her friend's laptop.

Your party would have one less guest after your friend finds out you "hacked" their Facebook. But, hey, at least your mom would be there :)

Why are so many people smart enough to know how to hack into someone else's account but stupid enough to invade their privacy in the first place? YDI

Hacking into your "best friend's" facebook to ask your mom to help YOU organize your OWN surprise party. I don't blame anyone for not wanting to go it. YDI on so many levels.

Hacking in to friends account? You saw what you weren't meant to see. So... was it worth it to you? I know I have one real friend that has lasted my whole life; everybody else is casual acquaintances or family. I hope you feel better about this and get on with your life. :)

You definitely deserve it. No wonder no one wants to show up to your party, if you're the kind of person who would hack her best friend's facebook account, invading her privacy and stealing her identity, in order to message your mom to throw yourself a surprise party. Yeah, it's no mystery why you have no friends. You'd better get out of your friend's account and never do that again, if you want to keep her as a friend.

jweb1434 6

Wow. That's a huge let down lol just go on vacation with your best friend!

Yeah you definitely deserved it. When people are sneaky like that and hack things you are bound to find out something you did not want to know.

Maybe more people would show up if you didn't hack into their private accounts.