By nolovefor21 - 16/01/2014 11:45 - Australia - Wentworthville

Today, I hacked into my best friend's Facebook account to message my mother about organizing a surprise party for myself for my 21st. She ignored the message for two days before replying, "I don't think so. No one would really show up and I think that would hurt her feelings." FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 580
You deserved it 20 541

nolovefor21 tells us more.

OP here, I didnt "hack" into her account really, I asked her if I could use her account to try and plan myself a surprise party.. Mainly because Ive always wanted one but never had anyone step up to do it. She gave me her password so I could do it. But apparently that was a waste of time according to my mother...

Top comments

I'm not surprised that no one would show up for your birthday party. You apparently invade the privacy of your friends. YDI.

well I guess its time to organize your own birthday party :)


'hacked your friends Facebook account' as in, she left her computer open and you went on it? Much hacks. Very Smart.

**** your friend's life for being a friend with someone who 'Hacks' into her facebook account for her self esteem. If you want a party,organize it yourself.

Just throw a surprise party for yourself and then don't invite anyone.

Hiimhaileypotter 52

What would the point of a surprise party for herself be if she didn't invite anyone? 1) She'd know about it, and 2) No one would be there...

Welcome to the internet. Jokes sometimes happen here.

Although it's sad that your mom said that, there might be a reason for it if you're going to such lengths to see her response.

olpally 32

How about just planning something yourself instead of hacking into your friends Facebook account? Idiot, you just seem desperate for attention. That's never a good thing.

perdix 29

Aw, I'll be your friend. Sounds like a *adjusts spectacles* shitty situation. I hope you mean EX-mom! Hey, give me back my iPhone! What the hell are you going?!?

perdix 29

*doing. Too much adrenaline to proofread after fighting off a burglar-hacker!

perdix 29

#57, yes, thank you, I overpowered the miscreant just before he entered a dreaded "Soviet Russia" joke and entered it under my name. Oh, the horror that could have happened!!!

Lmao that would have been the final straw, in your Names downward spiral. Because in Soviet Russia, FML Would have deleted youu.. oh no. ..

I don't know why you're getting thumbed wasn't pure gold but it was definitely like, brass with some high quality gold plating.

Everybody kisses your ass like you're an FML celebrity. They even call you by your username. You and docbastard. Guess I'm jealous. I don't get the pic, though.

Unluckymeow 9

You're a really shitty friend if you thought that "hacking" into your best friends Facebook and volunteering her for organizing a party for yourself was a good idea. YDI.

I find it kind of sad that you felt the need to hack into your friend's Facebook account to try to get your mom to throw you a surprise birthday party. YDI for invading your friend's privacy and for being so pathetic.

arandomusernameaa 20

Let's be honest here... OP clearly hacked jack shit, and if they did... they are stupid as **** for posting evidence on the internet -_-

Kind of an invasion of privacy, you know? I hope you have a great birthday anyway. Everyone deserves a great birthday!