By Username - 27/01/2010 08:35 - France

Today, I had a 10 hour drive to Las Vegas with only 2 CDs, Taylor Swift and Jason Mraz, and my girlfriend who thinks she's a good singer. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 830
You deserved it 8 982

Same thing different taste

Top comments

sarcdude 3

Be grateful you're lucky enough to even /have/ a girlfriend . it's tough to find one for the rest of us


wraparoundlove 0

ew. that ******* sucks man!!! dump her..

jyd62 0

you idiot who brings only two shitty CDs on a trip lol

TAYLOR SWIFT IS THE BEST SINGER EVER BORN! so dont even think of saying any different, shes amazing!

#86 and #151 ftw... nothing beats getting head on the road

EveryDayJackAss 0

You could've interrupted her when she was singing Taylor Swift songs with some Kanye West songs. Better yet, get a recording of that awesome interruption Kanye West made and play that shit.