By hurtinrealbad - 16/10/2012 17:25 - United States - Tempe

Today, I had a cyst in my butt removed. The doctors had to make a hole, and then fill it with gauze before sending me home. As soon as I got back, my sister decided to kick me in the butt as hard as she could. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 122
You deserved it 1 976

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Good luck healing your second asshole with a third asshole in the house.


Je suis un concombre de mer.. "Like" si vous comprenez ;)

You should have punched her in reply and said "Why so serious?" when she became annoyed...

Revenge is a dish best served cold. Hope your recovery time will be easier thinking of all the ways to return your sister's favor. Get well soon.

It's possible the sister didn't know about the procedure. It's not necessarily scheduled. Op could have gone into the ER room with a cyst and they drained it on the spot. And I am speaking from experience.

FlyMeAway 2

Well, I guess you're really butt-hurt now...

Most of the time I'm against people suggesting violence, but that's because it is usually not in response to violence (example, someone dumped the poster in a terrible way, people suggest all sorts of violent acts). But in this case, since it's in response to violence (and violence against an already injured area), I really hope you broke her jaw.

Damn it, I have a sudden urge to look at those ******* cyst popping videos now.

SammyMarie17 4

I had a cyst on my tailbone, pretty much on my butt too.....twice super painful , so I feel you :(