By hurtinrealbad - 16/10/2012 17:25 - United States - Tempe

Today, I had a cyst in my butt removed. The doctors had to make a hole, and then fill it with gauze before sending me home. As soon as I got back, my sister decided to kick me in the butt as hard as she could. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 122
You deserved it 1 976

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Good luck healing your second asshole with a third asshole in the house.


I would have totally bitch slapped the *****.. For freaken real.... Ouch !!!!

beebeeL 1

kudos to you for not ending up on tonight's news for repeatedly stabbing ur sister to death.

hapy_pig098 13

It hurts enough to have a pimple on your but

jshaw1993 1

Literally just took my boyfriend to get the same thing done. I feel for you man, I feel so bad just watching him waddle around. Get well soon

shainmarie 5

I had a cyst removed from my tailbone 6 years ago. My brother I hadn't seen in six months kicked me as hard as he could and I hit my knees bawling before I even knew what had happened! It took six months for mine to heal. I know exactly how you feel! Good luck and I hope you heal better than I did! :)

bbake04 2

I actually had the same surgery in the same place and my brother did the same.

At least it hadn't abscessed. I had one several years ago (not in the same place, but just as painful, if not more so) that I was hoping a couple of sitz baths would take care of, but unfortunately it only got worse and by the time I got to a doctor it had turned into an abscess. I think everyone outside could hear me screaming when it was lanced. FYL, your sister is a jackass.

hapy_pig098 13

Totally agree. What a well-thought-out comment! Some of the morons around here would've given you a TL;DR because they have the attention span of a gnat's ********, but not me, sir! Oh no!

Pilonidal cyst. Those things hurt. I had one over the summer. I didn't have any morphing when the doctor took out the gauze packing though. The worst part is that for a while you'll be the butt of a lot of jokes.

I have had the same problem, after the drugs wear off the first day it hurts like ******* hell. Sister or not, I'd punch her for real, you don't mess with that kinda shit, the pain is so bad you can't even sit in a car.