By hurtinrealbad - 16/10/2012 17:25 - United States - Tempe

Today, I had a cyst in my butt removed. The doctors had to make a hole, and then fill it with gauze before sending me home. As soon as I got back, my sister decided to kick me in the butt as hard as she could. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 122
You deserved it 1 976

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Good luck healing your second asshole with a third asshole in the house.


Ooooh, FYL OP, damn. My girlfriend had a cyst on her tailbone a couple years ago when we first started dating, and she says reading this makes her scar hurt for you. Her and I agree, it's time for your sister to die, man. lol

In response, you should punch her in the taco.

I feel your pain, OP. I had a similar case, got it removed last summer.

EvilDave 13

You should wait until she is asleep and the hit her with a frying pan.

Pilonidal cyst? I have a pilonidal sinus and its the opposite of a cyst. It's a sinus tract on y tailbone area that leads to a gland near the coccyx bone. It sucks duck. Good luck!

Same thing happened to my cousin.. Twice. Apparently hers are cancerous and they keep multiplying so she has to get them removed every few months. Her sister smacks her butt after every time she gets home from the hospital. I feel really bad for the both of you. Feel better. xx

ahh had the same, got operated and they had to cut so deep that i could see my tailbone not only took it a full year to recover, the next year it came back because the doctors where total dumbasses same surgery again, another year and also the laser-hair-removing theraphy on the fresh healed wound so that no little random ingrown hair could cause that infection ever again (... 2 years, a laser that is powerfull enough to make you bleed on some spots, damn that hurted, not to mention how it feels like to change the gauze every day because the wound has to heal from below...) and then.... there are people ... who joke about it... i would have thrown your sister out of the window :)

mhunter1990 3

ouch! same thing happens to me. I have reoccurring abscesses in my butt and people constantly forget and smack my butt all the time...

I've never had a cyst, and I felt your pain. Your sister sounds like a pain in the ass!