By hurtinrealbad - 16/10/2012 17:25 - United States - Tempe

Today, I had a cyst in my butt removed. The doctors had to make a hole, and then fill it with gauze before sending me home. As soon as I got back, my sister decided to kick me in the butt as hard as she could. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 122
You deserved it 1 976

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Good luck healing your second asshole with a third asshole in the house.


OP needed that like he needed another hole in his ass... ...oh, wait

BlackBlazeCobra 16

On the bright side, at least she didn't do it when the cyst was still there. That would have been 10x worse in pain, plus a possible rupture. Either way though, that sucks OP.

I had the same operation too, it gets better fast! good luck op!

I feel your pain. I had the same procedure done, except for the kicking in the butt part. Just a heads up, it's been 3 years since I had it done...still not healed. Take good care of it.

******* kick her back dont just sit there whining do something jeez

Them you should have punched her in the face as hard as you could.