By AdamFoundHisEve - 25/05/2010 19:08 - France

Today, I had a dream about toasting with champagne. Whilst asleep, I extended my hand to toast, then brought my hand to my mouth to "drink the bubbly." I knocked over the glass of water I keep on my bedside table. My iPhone is now ruined, and in shock of my wet arm, I jerked backward headbutting my wife's face. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 690
You deserved it 7 599

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sucks, next time don't leave your phone by liquids, or get an awesome case like I have. How'd your wife react?

XxXPeace2thelose 0


that's why I keep a water bottle beside my bed, and not a glass of water.

you don't move anything but your eyes when you are dreaming. that stage of sleep leavea you temperarely parlyzed beside your eyes. this is a fake.

Nikie1986 0

It's not fake... I talk and move a lot in my sleep when I'm dreaming. I've elbow dropped my fiance, kicked him etc. not to mention hold full convo's with people while sleeping.

If this is real and you really do physically act out what you're doing in your dreams, you have a very rare sleep disorder called rapid eye movement behavior disorder and you need to get treatment.

Nikie1986 0

I know I have sleep issues, it sucks always feeling tired lol. I was just pointing out to the person (#154) that this guys not a fake because you're not supposed to be able to move. Some people don't follow the norm.

My iPhone has been dropped in the toilet twice and it's still fine:) You just have to thoroughly dry it.

Well maybe if you didn't have a ******* iphone this wouldn't have happened! Android rules!

Your poor wife gets to be woken up by you headbutting her

cruza96 5

"I am now sleeping on the couch" is how this should have ended!

LionHeart_Angel 0

Hahahaha I'm sorry but that is just so funny