By AdamFoundHisEve - 25/05/2010 19:08 - France

Today, I had a dream about toasting with champagne. Whilst asleep, I extended my hand to toast, then brought my hand to my mouth to "drink the bubbly." I knocked over the glass of water I keep on my bedside table. My iPhone is now ruined, and in shock of my wet arm, I jerked backward headbutting my wife's face. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 690
You deserved it 7 599

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sucks, next time don't leave your phone by liquids, or get an awesome case like I have. How'd your wife react?

XxXPeace2thelose 0


1LL337 0

YDI for keeping a glass of water and not a bottle

cheeredup 0

Put your phone in a bowl of dry rice and let the rice absorb all the water... it's saved my friend's iPhone from death by drowning a ton of times

ydi for keeping water so close to such treasured posessions ( especially if they're electronic)

silentsniper441 0

put the iPhone in a container full of dry plain rice

YDI for not having a closable bottle, and putting an open glass of water next to your expensive phone while you sleep.

rety1 13

lol damn that blows.. I had a dream I had a giant bowl of jelly beans in my lap and I was actually reaching out as if I was eating them.

Hate to say it, but I feel YDI on this one. If you leave a full cup of water anywhere (especially in reach), it'll cause a mess eventually.. you're lucky if it doesn't shatter. Just, in the future, think before you leave something somewhere. Even a bowl of nuts could easily be spilled under the bed, for example.

ndiesal 0

Your wife will recover...however, that really sucks about your iPhone

FreshSalad 1

Too bad they lost hahahaha!!

lol, i had a dream a while ago where i punched someone in my dream but i also threw a punch in real life. good thing i wasnt facing the wall or anything. also you should keep a water bottle next to your bed instead of a glass of water cause what if dust or a spider or a mosquito or some other bug gets in the water while you sleep? you just gonna drink that?