By Anonymous - 12/03/2015 13:43 - United States - Orlando

Today, I had a dream that I was making pancakes. I need to get out more. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 696
You deserved it 4 773

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Turn that dream into a reality and unlike most people you'll be able to say that you followed your dreams.


Try waffles or French toast, if you're in the mood for something new!

elyssa112 6

I dream about making French toast with an insane amount of powder sugar . And then I always make them the next morning

you already know what your next dream is..chicken and waffles...

Steve95401 49

Yes, get out of your house more - but make it someplace other than IHOP.

Well made pancakes are lovely..that's not a bad dream lol. I'm just been a fatty