By InsomniacToBe - 19/07/2012 15:55 - United States - Saint George

Today, I had a dream that my ex-boyfriend had become a vicious serial killer and was hunting me down because I broke up with him. I don't know what scares me more: the way he hunted me in my sleep, or the fact that it wouldn't surprise me if it actually happened. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 028
You deserved it 3 883

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You better hope that shit doesn't come true!

RabidBunny 10

Your dream was a vision of the future! Now that you know, you must train in martial arts to ensure your safety! Good luck! :D


The fact that it wouldn't surprise you should frighten you more...

Is your ex-boyfriends name Freddy Krueger?

flutter4 7

If you are that terrified of him, you should look into a protective order.

Keliosan 6

She'd only be able to get one if he in some way threatened her or hurt her before. Dreams aren't enough to get you anything in court unfortunately :(.

I think the fact that it wouldn't surprise you if it actually happened. People dream some crazy shit while sleeping, but that's messed up even if there is a slight chance that may happen.

olpally 32

48 hours mystery on FML. Yikes! Lock your doors op just to make sure you're safe.

Not if you kill him first! (; Jk don't do that If you are really that frightened I'd suggest talk to people and increasing your safety. Alarm system, roommate, dog exc.

It scares me that you would even date someone with a temper like that. File a restraining order. It should bring a little peace of mind.

unknown_user5566 26

With some people, their temper is hidden until they become comfortable with you. My (half) sister's father was like this, and he didn't show his true colors until after he and my mom got married. Restraining order is a definitely a good idea though. It might not hurt to try and get him help for his issues, either.

Michelle_74617 1
unknown_user5566 26

Totally. The thought of someone brutally killing me just gets me oh-so-excited. Maybe I should go visit death row in a prison, just so I can get my sexual needs fulfilled. I sure hope my sarcasm font is visible enough for you.

olpally 32

It is clear to me 34... I hope 23 is okay. That comment is disturbing. :/

23 - Is your name Carol, or.. Cheryl.. or Cristal? That is the only way your comment would be acceptable.

dominic1221 6

Hey Olpally, I know you have a crush on Kyleekay, but have some self-respect and quit pretending you didn't see #23's blatant sarcasm, yeah?

unknown_user5566 26

Lately whenever a guy agrees with me on the comments, someone assumes they're hitting on me, that they have a crush on me, etc. Why is that? You know, just because I'm a female doesn't mean that someone has to be attracted to me to agree with my comments.

KiddNYC1O 20
olpally 32

68- way to ASSume that.. Wtf is wrong with you people? I'm just making a comment and that was a very poor attempt at sarcasm by #23 if you didn't notice. Trust me, this isn't flirting in the least bit nor do I have a crush on her. Jeez... Just a commentor on FML. Go sit in a corner and take a timeout. Idiot.

dominic1221 6

Lol #70, you don't see him chasing after your shadow every other comment? Kind of like certain girls do with Perdix lately? Huh, okay then.

unknown_user5566 26

76- I honestly don't care enough to keep track of who replies to my comments, so I don't notice if someone is "shadowing" me. It's just a comment section on a funny website- it's not that serious. :)

olpally 32

76- this is like my first or second comment on one of her comments... Not my 50th or 60th and I've hardly ever commented on her comments. I didn't even comment on the comment she wrote above originally in this FML.. I have rarely commented on her comments at all... Idiot. Perhaps you should stop making up shit to start shit? Troll. Glad you see it my way kyleekay. I don't shadow you. I've hardly ever commented on your comments.

KiddNYC1O 20

76- It's a circle! I notice kylee "shadow" perdix's comments but I just stay shut.

perdix 29

#76, I've had people of both genders replying to my comments. I just try to be funny and/or informative in an interesting way, so it's only natural that others want to reply. It doesn't mean they are flirting. If I posted a picture of me looking like Matthew McCona-whatever and said "That sucks," and got all the cute chicks to fawn all over me, you'd have a point. Most people are just making jokes about my jokes.

And that's when you come to your senses and break up with him :)

linkinpark98 23

...Have you not read the FML? He is already her EX boyfriend.

tinkrocks98 6