By hopelesss88 - 17/06/2010 12:42 - Australia

Today, I had a first date planned. He texted saying he was sick and couldn't make it. Two hours later, his Twitter account said otherwise. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 629
You deserved it 4 328

Same thing different taste

Top comments

So...your life is effed because you didn't go on a date with a liar? Am I missing something?

yarbles 3

oh well he was a dick to begin with. be glad you found out now.


Maybe he cancelled because he found out about your stalker tendencies

Are you just angry because you can't get girls?

and I'm pretty sure her other eye is just as buetiful

Oh whine about it, everybody gets blown off in their lifetime, just get over it and move on, I'm sure life will continue to be the same for you.

shibainu519 0
spzb 3

why not? needed to check if he was a lying bastard.

MarkGoldstein 0

I hate it when I get caught lying because of my social networking.

cbr600_fml 0

ha who cares it was the first date move on there is so many single people out there