By fuuuuck - 28/01/2010 00:27 - Canada

Today, I had a very important test. Last night, I'd had such bad leg pains that I couldn't sleep, so I took two very strong painkillers and went to sleep pain-free. I apparently accidentally overdosed, because when I woke up, I couldn't see properly or even stand up. And I missed my test. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 076
You deserved it 8 725

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Over-the-counter painkillers are not strong enough to give you that reaction just by taking two of them, even if they're "extra-strength". So YDI. There are only a few possibilities: - By "two very strong painkillers" you meant that you mixed two different types of painkillers. - You took painkillers that were prescribed rather than over-the-counter. Sub-possibilities: - - You took painkillers prescribed for someone else. - - You took more than the doctor-recommended dose. - You mixed painkillers with alcohol, or other drugs (whether prescribed or recreational) without knowing the effects/contacting your doctor. No matter how it happened, you did something pretty epically retarded.

Taking "strong" painkillers without any prescription or control = not too smart. Taking two doses simultaneously or mixing drugs = pretty frigging dumb. Sorry about your leg and test OP, but YDI no doubt.


@#3 Stfu. Obviously they weren't over the counter but we're all SUPER impressed by your knowledge of pain medication.

It's called sucking it up or using gels. You are ******* retarded for taking 2