By Eli - 20/09/2011 00:21 - Canada

Today, I had a violent allergic reaction to some bread I ate at a restaurant. How did they apologize? By sending me a free basket of bread. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 543
You deserved it 3 250

Same thing different taste


Sounds like the time a rat fell out of my bottle of Juicy Juice. I called and they tried to make it up to me by offering a years supply of free Juicy Juice. As though I wanted their rat infested sugar poison..

For_Real_Deal 0

If you're violently allergic to something, tell your server, stupid. YDI. (Actually, if your'e violently allergic to something really common, do the restaurant biz a favor, and eat at home.)

juston_p 1
bubo_fml 10

Sounds like they have enough dough, so, skip out on paying the bill...

Shut up and be happy they even apologized at all. They didn't even have to do that seeing as it isn't their fault you can't eat bread without flopping about on the floor.

CurlyGurlF 6

Oh my god. Im sorry but thats just funny!