By Eli - 20/09/2011 00:21 - Canada

Today, I had a violent allergic reaction to some bread I ate at a restaurant. How did they apologize? By sending me a free basket of bread. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 543
You deserved it 3 250

Same thing different taste


Why should they apologize anyway? It's your responsibility to know your allergies.

Burdie04_fml 0

Well it's not their fault you were allergic to it. Yeah bringing you free bread was dumb but they dont need to give you anything free.

mj_ok 9

There retarded, I would give you a whole free meal.

Sarkyrevenger 0

Your reaction can't have been very severe if you were still in the restaurant to receive the bread, can it?

you got ciliax disease bro, me n my family's got it and I have terrible unbearable pains in my lower stomach and have diarrhea. we can't eat gluten like you(anything containing bread or flour)

#124, it's not ciliax, it's Celiac. An actual Celiac would know that.

You guys are all being so unappreciative of food allergies. Chances are, this person didn't know that whatever he/she was allergic to was in the bread. It's not easy to tell what foods contain certain ingredients, and oftentimes restaurants cook things on the same equipment as things that may be possible allergens. Next time, try to be a little more sympathetic.