By Eli - 20/09/2011 00:21 - Canada

Today, I had a violent allergic reaction to some bread I ate at a restaurant. How did they apologize? By sending me a free basket of bread. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 543
You deserved it 3 250

Same thing different taste


Idiots. The waiter should have taken off the first batch of bread from the bill and given you like a free desert or something. FYL OP.

Btw, they might not know it was the bread you can't handle, it could have been something you just do from time to time.. But I still can't figure out why you eat bread if you know that you shouldn't? Sounds more like you are stupid!

Food allergies can start at any time in life. Maybe they had no idea they were allergic, or maybe the bread had something in it they weren't aware of. Damn.

A lot of people here assume OP was aware of their allergy. Sometimes they develop and you don't know till you have a reaction. It could have been the particular kind of bread. Either way, it wasn't a smart desicion to send OP a basket of bread.

How were they supposed to know what you are allergic too. If anything you should be apologizing to the restaurant staff.

I'm pretty sure they didn't know they were allergic, or they wouldn't have eaten the bread. You can suddenly develop an allergy to something you've eaten your whole life.

It's pretty rare to develop an extremely violent allergic reaction though - and to...bread? Are we really to believe they never ate that until just then at the restaurant? Yeah, that doesn't fly. If they never noticed they were allergic before this, they're just a good candidate for a Darwin Award someday. The restaurant was probably pissed they were blaming them for their own stupidity.

I became allergic to yeast out of no where.

ghostland 0

it's not their fault that you ate the bread, they shouldn't have even had to say sorry, they prob gave you more bread cause you were blaming them.

**** it dude, free food is still free food, eat it

Ain't nothing free in this life. Not even my own gun show. I pay myself when I flex in front of the mirror.

1 - "Ohhh handsome!" 2 -"Why thank you!" *flexes even futher* 1 -*gives 5 dollars* ForeverAlone?

I guess I just don't understand what the problem is. It's not the restaurants fault you're allergic to the bread, why should they apologize in the first place?