By Eli - 20/09/2011 00:21 - Canada

Today, I had a violent allergic reaction to some bread I ate at a restaurant. How did they apologize? By sending me a free basket of bread. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 552
You deserved it 3 251

Same thing different taste


youre supposed to make servers aware of allergies you have so obviously this is your own fault i dont sympathize.

zann_fml 2

I have food allergies. And I make servers aware of them. Yet I have still been served food with the things I am allergic to because the chefs don't pay attention. In fact, this just happened a week ago at a very nice restaurant. The chef plated my food out of habit & didn't pay attention to the fact that it said no mashed potatoes. But that's what comes with what I ordered. (And yes, I sent it back.)

FYLDeep 25

You're allergic to potatoes? That must be a relatively rare allergy. I hope you're not Irish.

zann_fml 2

No, thankfully. Onion. Their mashed potatoes had onions. Although I think being allergic to tomato & onion is about as bad!

#30 not everyone know they have allergies until its to late, or develope late. Its nice you don't sympathize with these kinds of people who don't know their own health problems, because it prove that your tiny brain can't process respect for humans who suffer like this.

Not knowing you're allergic to something and not knowing you're violently allergic are two different things...

zann_fml 2

So, my mom should have somehow known that she was suddenly allergic to shellfish even though she had eaten it the week prior with no symptoms? Guess we should all be psychic about when our bodies change?

uprising_fml 0

go Billy Madison on their asses and put dog shit in a bag, set it on fire and leave it outside the door to their restaurant . or just ask for a free appetizer coupon, whichever .

A100893 30

Send it back and demand chocolate (unless you're allergic to that too).

Kueezy 6
fez667 0

wwwooooowwww they fail at life... id say sue em but wont get you far maybe put them outta business

perdix 29

Free bread?! You must be special! I'll bet you're one of those few who gets free shit at restaurants -- free sugar packets, free salt, free napkins. I rarely eat out because the napkin fees make it expensive, and applying for silverware rental is too much hassle.

emilo_fml 0

That is seriously fu**in stupid of them to do that.

The hell should they apologize for? Unless you specifically checked to make sure the bread was safe for you to eat, it's hardly their fault, and while it was dumb of them to offer you bread, they didn't have to offer you anything at all, including an apology.

What? Why should they apologize? It's not their fault you eat something you can't handle.. Next time I'm at a mall, I'll eat Lego, puke all over the floor, and wait for them to send me Lego.. My point is: they make bread, they can give you bread, and it's the thought that counts, they tried to be nice about your freakshow in their restaurant, you should not make it sound like a bad gift, just because you can't have any of it!

He never said they had to give him something, he just said that they did and he wasn't happy with the results. You're right, he should probably be more thankful but at the same time you're also wrong. - Not hatin' just statin'

Dude, Legos are awesome. I need to try this.