By Anonymous - 16/05/2014 21:07 - United States

Today, I had a wonderful dream where I got married to the perfect guy, then had the best sex of my life on a beautiful honeymoon. The only problem is that my "husband" was the snowman from Frozen, and that I got sad when I realized it was just a dream. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 420
You deserved it 10 010

Same thing different taste

Top comments

cjwayy 22

Do you want to **** a snowman?

username53001 7


my dream is even weirder. I dreamt that I was at school and there was a boy I knew who almost raped me a long time ago, and he had several ******... I ain't saying no more... °^°

DaMann360 19

I'll run up YOUR clock ;)....wait whaaa?

....the best sex you had was with a snowman? That's cold :)

MrBoredomioo 18

I love olaf too, but may not to that level

That still sounds better than the dream I had last night where my brother and I had to search for and capture animals that had escaped from a zoo in our house, and I was very nearly bitten several times by a rattlesnake -yes, I know how Freudian that sounds- and at the end of the dream there was a cute dog curled up on our parent's bed...with a mountain lion.

They already got a site of women ******* a stuffed panda, they got one of women ******* inflatable pool toys so why not one of women who **** snowmen, could be the next million dollar idea.