By Anonymous - 16/05/2014 21:07 - United States

Today, I had a wonderful dream where I got married to the perfect guy, then had the best sex of my life on a beautiful honeymoon. The only problem is that my "husband" was the snowman from Frozen, and that I got sad when I realized it was just a dream. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 420
You deserved it 10 010

Same thing different taste

Top comments

cjwayy 22

Do you want to **** a snowman?

username53001 7


least it wasn't Hans I suppose he would have just left you to die

This reminds me of this movie where this woman get killed by a snowman In the shower when she was masterbating maybe you watched that movie and feel right to sleep after it...?

Am I the only one thinking that the snow man's frozen junk would freeze OP's lady bits? That's some unpleasant sex right there if you ask me.

My fiance says "I don't have a skull...or bones." All the time. I personally think it's the cutest thing ever. :)

Winter is a good time to stay home and cuddle ;)

Did he use his carrot nose, or did you build him a snow shlong?