By Mahomie123 - 16/04/2011 22:56 - United States

Today, I had an all day volleyball tournament in a town an hour away. My dad left early, not realizing he was my ride home. I'm now stranded in the middle of a rural town with no way home anytime soon. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 324
You deserved it 4 040

Same thing different taste

Top comments

babycakess10 0

the team doesn't take a bus to away games?

sourgirl101 28

This is true. I have 3 maybe 4?posted (anonymously) it's fun to get them posted but never fun having strangers tell you you're a ******* idiot and deserve it! This is probably why so many OP's stay silent.


it's only an hour drive start walking.

pinkchocolatex3 0
lmfpomfa69 0

you deserved it. next time you will communicate with your father so that he doesn't leave you. or maybe your friends so that they just don't leave you there all by yourself. assuming you have friends!

well if you don't have cell phone use this opportunity to convince your parent to get you one. That's how I got my first phone :)

justinhi 0

I've had that happen to me but it was a playoff game on the other side of the state

first of all how the he'll are u FMLing if ur stranded and if u have a phone to fml with then call someone duhh!! and why didnt u ask one of ur teammates for a ride home

omg! same happened to me today to! except he was there for one game, left, said I'll be right back.....he didn't come back :

don't go for a late night jog or anything especially if you're hot. it seems like all scary rape happens to joggers.

Semi-related. Is anyone else enjoying how often and fast comments are shut down now? Maybe try stricter moderation instead of just closing them altogether. That kind of defeats the purpose of even having a comment section. *flounce* jk