By Mahomie123 - 16/04/2011 22:56 - United States

Today, I had an all day volleyball tournament in a town an hour away. My dad left early, not realizing he was my ride home. I'm now stranded in the middle of a rural town with no way home anytime soon. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 324
You deserved it 4 040

Same thing different taste

Top comments

babycakess10 0

the team doesn't take a bus to away games?

sourgirl101 28

This is true. I have 3 maybe 4?posted (anonymously) it's fun to get them posted but never fun having strangers tell you you're a ******* idiot and deserve it! This is probably why so many OP's stay silent.


man_in_black08 28

Get a cab then make him pay for it.

itsthekendellkid 0

are you in Asheville for JO's? :)

4XxXo_OxXx4 0

how hard is it to get a ride with a friend? still, fyl, that sucks.

really he or she must have an iPod touch Duh just download textfree with voice and call your dad

how do u post this if you re " now stranded in the middle of a rural town". that means u have 3g services to go on fml. ao getting home with comunication should be easy

if you ate stranded, how did you post this? wifi? iPod? you could have gotten a hold of someone over email or something. YDI

in Hampton? with rugby games going on out side?

xtrippx13x 0

you can't get home but you can post it on FML no problem. way to go.

kaykay9080 5

Get a friend to take you home? Idiot op.