By raynbowsend - 23/04/2009 05:22 - Malaysia

Today, I had an appraisal meeting with the Boss. She raved and gushed and told me what a great job I was doing. Then she said "Well done, Eric". Eric is not my name. She froze, opened a new file and told me my actual appraisal, which was the complete opposite of everything she had just said. FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 332
You deserved it 6 734

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Lol. Well not really a FML as appraisals are generally fair, unless you have done something to piss off the bosses. My suggestion would be to be more like Eric and work hard. Then you might get the recognition you feel you deserve.

well eric isnt doing THAT great of a job is she didnt even know how he looks like.....


So what? You suck @ work. Maybe you should do better next time obviously if you wanna be praised for real next time.

TryToBeKind 0

Aw shit, that really sucks! Managers are human beings and human beings are not perfect. I think ethically, all she could do was say, "I made a boo boo and thought you were someone else." I hope you did not get fired and that you have a chance to redeem yourself in work. I hope you are able to say, "Everyone makes mistakes, as you just did - please give me another chance and help me along the way." Even if you have to take a bit of a cut in pay - anything - to keep your job in this economy. I wouldn't say you deseerved that at all, it was awful for all around. Hrm - I think that when in doubt, it's best to conform. That seriously sux, as Im' a happy non-conformist.

well if you are shit at your job and she is praising you, shouldn't you know better?

cheesepuff18 0

I haven't said this in a while, and it's a little outdated, but BURN!

ramdoodle45 0

that means you should get your crap together and actually do a good job rather than be pissed off when someone accidentally mistakes you for someone who's doing a good job.

wait, Bruce Springstein is a dude, whyd you keep saying "she"?

Ridley_fml 0

well you sound like a shitty employee shut up #19 you're probably the original poster. Your boss is your boss because she's better and more important than you. She wouldn't say you suck as an employee when she's doing a bad job. You need to grow up and stop blaming other people.

Maybe watch what Eric does and learn from him?