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By markderanjer - 04/11/2012 00:37 - United Kingdom - Ealing

Today, I found out that not only is my girlfriend enough of a superstitious twat to believe the world is going to end on December 21st, she actually thinks it's an acceptable excuse to go sleep around with other men. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 126
You deserved it 3 425

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I believe and predict that she will get aids - I don't even need to be a genius to know that. Oh, and she will end up single pretty soon too.


That's why I hate people who say y olo. Without the space.

StalkerChick 13

I wonder if she actually went through with the sleeping around part, or if she was discussing it with OP. If she did actually sleep around, I'm willing to bet she's just using December 21st as an excuse for whoring.

33. And now he should tell everyone that she's a *****.

MagicGiraffe 12

This sounds like a good "get-her-in-bed line". I'm gunna have to try it out. ;)

1, let's hope the girlfriend is an ex now. Plus, a short while after the world doesn't end, she will be informed of her STDs and possibly other harsh diseases, such as AIDs.

LOL. Was it REALLY that much easier to type a whole other sentence, rather than go back and take out the space?

xSunnyOlivia 17

87- Im guessing auto-correct or something.

82, just in case you forgot, AIDS actually IS a sexually transmitted disease. Unless you intended the redundancy...

I thought of more after my edit time expired: I don't normally agree with the "dump them!" comments, but in this occasion I do. By sleeping around she is endangering your health and quite possibly your life. She's not worth the risk.

91, not to get technical with you, AIDs isn't only transmitted via an STD. People can getting from sharing needles while shooting up. Or someone is bleeding and another person puts their hands on the other person's wound, all the while the helper has a cut on his/her hand while the injured person has AIDs. I don't think I need to give any more examples.

22: yolo: you obviously love Oreos lol (:

If you're gonna get technical, you should probably point out that people dont "get" AIDs, AIDs is the advanced stage of HIV which is what the person contracts.

Thank you, 104. You're absolutely correct; people contract HIV. Either way, I was just trying to prove I wasn't being redundant.

Most std can be caught without having sex too

corruptedlol 2

The only STDs I know that you can catch without having sex are herpes and genital warts. So please, explain how you can catch "most" sexually-transmitted diseases without having sexual intercourse.

You can catch AIDS without having sex too. Blood transfusion, you know. Yes, it should NOT happen in these days because of the blood tested thoroughly, but there IS the possibility.

I'm fully aware that HIV can be transmitted through other means, I never said it wasn't, either. I merely said it IS a sexually transmitted disease, and thus specifying it "in addition to STDs" was redundant since it was already included in that specification. I doubt the OP will be sharing needles with or bandaging open wounds on his girlfriend anytime soon, however inclined he may have been to do so in the future.

StalkerChick 13

150 - Hepatitis B, syphilis, and HIV can be transmitted through blood. Gonorrhea, chlamydia, syphilis, HSV-1 and -2, and HIV can be passed from mother to child during childbirth.

I believe and predict that she will get aids - I don't even need to be a genius to know that. Oh, and she will end up single pretty soon too.

But of course it doesn't matter, cuz we'll all be annihilated in a couple months anyways. She might as well get plastered every night and quit her job while she's at it. Smh.

Not just aids. If she's sleeping around with the mentality that the world's going to end, then I don't think she cares about protection either. OP, expect to see her on Maury in nine months.

She's probably filled with random sperm donors. Good luck trying to figure out the father when there's countless possibilities.

Your first comment was hi??? Really?? What a waste of a first comment. That's like losing your virginity to a homeless man.

If the world was really going to end this december, she would have been through it alone. Isn't it sad ? Isn't that just an excuse for cheating ? If she really believes that, then she should quit her job and start enjoying everything. But I guess it's not worth it, what if she's wrong ? Your relationship is not that important for her anyway apparently.

Date smarter girls. That is just unacceptably sad.

^How and where does it state anything about OP being gullible?

HahaBoy 0

If the world was to end then, wouldn't it make more sense to spend more time with your loved ones instead of sleeping with random guys You should obviously break up with that *****

116 I think he meant because OP is dating someone very stupid.

Date smarter girls. That is just unacceptably sad.

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It's not mean if she really is a superstitious twat who uses "the end of the world" as an excuse to be a ****.

yeah, i realized that but it was too late to change it lol. my bad.

You could write out a comment after reading the first half of the sentence, but it took you two minutes to read the rest of it?

There is not enough evidence to call OP a bad boyfriend, but his girlfriend if definitely a terrible one.

sugarshane007 20

You're right, it could be all the bf's fault! He probably did something dumb like jamming his hand down her pants and telling her to cum. Which would totally merit her acting this way. This is probably just her lame cover story.

Calm down people! It's not a big deal.. They made a mistake. We all do. No need to thumb down and shit talk. I just wish everyone could get along :(

gmc_blossom 21

76- Are you new? There's no such thing as "getting along" on FML.

flyninja17 1

And how could you put 'your' rather than 'you're'?!

sugarshane007 20

65 it was sarcasm, and a reference to another FML

Did you read the whole FML? Another thing is that I think that she is not superstitious, she just uses the superstition as an excuse to be a ho.

okayy guyss. i screwed up. chill. im sorry. you guys are so damn critical.

But how did you make a mistake like that?? It seems like you read a few words. Commented and didn't bother reading the rest of the FML.

i read it but it didnt sink in fully i guess. sorry im apparently not as smart as the rest of you. damn.

and flyinninja17, if you cant think of a better way to insult me than to attack my grammar you're******** pathetic. like really. people nowadays really cant think of a better argument than that.

76 - me too. I wish we could all get along like we did in middle school and bake a cake out of smiles and rainbows and we could all eat it and be happy

Play Along and **** like theres no tommorow OP

break up with her and remind her on December 21st when she feels awkward as hell

HahaBoy 0

Hella awkward if the world ends then jaha

olpally 32

Superstitious tawt? That's a new one... What a *****... She'll be single soon, right op?? Right...

It's ok; I read it as "tart" originally.

Cat_Daniels 6

Twat is a British word for someone stupid, and as you can see, presented above, OP is from the United Kingdom.

Erm, no, twat is a British word for ******/pussy/lady parts.

olpally 32

129 and 139, you're both right... The term twat in English is used as a description for lady parts and 129, just as you said, it's someone stupid as well in the UK.

"If I'm dyin', I'm tryin'." --Guy who got laid, then got his organs sucked out by a over pressured pool drain.

Apparently no one else has watched a Final Destination movie.

But which one? Since there is more then one

Well dump that superstitious twat. Nobody needs a dumb cheating partner.