By PanFace - 13/10/2009 06:54 - Australia

Today, I had an argument with my wife. I told her to get back in the kitchen. How does she respond? By doing what I told her to do, and returning to hit me with a frying pan. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 116
You deserved it 121 356

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Tooo bad it wasn't an iron skillet. LOL he deserves it

Yeah, his command was an act of genius & worked out so well didn't it. He's lucky she didn't come back with a butcher's knife.


and #267: you didn't deserve 14 days in jail. you deserve AT LEAST 14 MONTHS!!! that's assault and battery and the justice system is seriously flawed if you get 14 days and people who don't do anything bad and you do

lololol that's awesome major kudos to your wife

vanavril14 1

lol you both shouldve thought this one through.

spikerhitz101 0

to # 267 wow ur a dick head! men like you are the reason I proceed to hate people! one day some girl is gonna actually fight back n kick your ass

LifeIsBull 0

I dont think thats gonna happen anytime soon. Filthy ******

neither party was right in this case. he shouldnt have made that sexist comment, but she deff shouldnt have hit him with a f***ing frying pan either. why cant we just use know "you b*tch" "a**hole" stuff like that?

I'm so glad she hit you with that frying pan. I'd have done the same.

hahahaha, thats what u geht oii. I would of dun tha same. u sexist.

I hope someday when you get married (if you ever do) you say something sexist to your husband and he smacks the shit out of you for it. Then I hope you call domestic abuse and their reply is "You deserve it".

i don't see why people are getting so worked up and saying "if the roles had been reversed bla bla bla..." that isn't the point. what if she had been black and he had been white, and he told her to "get back on the cotton field!"? everyone would've called him a racist jerk for that. wouldn't matter if he meant it or not. thing is, women (and black people. and other people) were considered less worthy for such a long time, and there are still a lot of sexist and racist groups in the world. how many sexist female groups are there in comparison? that's why women take it more seriously if they're discriminated against. a while back i read a great comment here, explaining how if a man is sexist, he's taking advantage of the power over women that men have had for so long. women don't have that power. that being said, that in no way makes it okay for girls to beat the crap out of guys. if you're stonger than someone else, and you beat them up, you're taking advantage of the power over them that you naturally have, regardless of gender. (and a butch women beating up a weak man then saying that it's fair because she a girl is just digusting -.-)