By PanFace - 13/10/2009 06:54 - Australia

Today, I had an argument with my wife. I told her to get back in the kitchen. How does she respond? By doing what I told her to do, and returning to hit me with a frying pan. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 116
You deserved it 121 356

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Tooo bad it wasn't an iron skillet. LOL he deserves it

Yeah, his command was an act of genius & worked out so well didn't it. He's lucky she didn't come back with a butcher's knife.


To all of saying YDI to this guy, I hope someday when you get married (if you ever do) you say something sexist to your husband and he smacks the shit out of you for it. Then I hope you call domestic abuse and their reply is "You deserve it".

To all of the women who said that this guy deserved having the crap knocked out of him with a frying pan-- you're fucktards. First of all, responding to verbal provocation with physical abuse is inappropriate and dumb to do. Second of all, I'm saddened that females have /yet/ to realize that you shouldn't hit guys just as you wouldn't want guys to hit you. It's completely unfair for a woman to hit a guy unprovoked or without her life being in danger just as some women would cry about guys hitting /them/ for no valid reason. Keep your damn hands off of them, ladies. Third... we don't even /know/ the circumstances behind the OP telling her to go back to the kitchen. Maybe she was cooking. Maybe she was doing the dishes. Maybe she was doing /something/ that happened to be in the kitchen. OMG, IT'S TOTALLY SEXIST!! HE DESERVED IT!! ...No. I feel sorry for the OP and the fact that he was stuck with such a violent ass wife.

They had the internet back in the late 1800s? Go back to the kitchen? Frying pan battery? You clearly have realtionship issues as well as the ability to communicate through time and space. You are like some scientist/wizard with a difficult personal life. I feel both awe and pity.

your wife totally deserves a high five for that! I have always wanted to do that to a sexist pig. Which clearly you are... usually have some sympathy for the poster however... you dont deserve it! YDI all the way

Women hate it when men tell us what to do and expect us to do it. We will retaliate. This is a bit extreme but an example of it.

"Ive got a birdie, his name is ronnie." "Well tell ronnie you got KNOCKED THE **** OUT!" -Longest Yard

well still doesn't justify it, miss heliophobia (fear of the sun, thank you Mrs. Cramer 8th grade study skills)

I hope she hit you in the face and knocked a tooth out, you sexist dickhole.

couldn't have deserved it more you asshole

jchansfan 0

I don't get why its okay to hit guys, but hitting women makes you a monster. Shouldn't hitting anyone be wrong? I've been told a girl could be trying to kill me, and I'd be the bad guy if i took her out(Not saying i necessarly could, to be clear, but if I managed to). lmao Like wtf? How is that equality. Don't hit girls, don't hit guys, hitting and hurting people is wrong. Is taht so hard to agree to!?! WHY CAN'T WE ALL JUST GET ALONGGGGG!?! D:

Last week, my husband and I were arguing and he "ordered" me to bake him a pie. I did. Two hours later, he'd forgotten about the arguement until that pie was on his face. We BOTH thought it was hilarious, honestly.

the min. she steps outta her place and hits me, she grew a set of balls and plans to fight like a man