By PanFace - 13/10/2009 06:54 - Australia

Today, I had an argument with my wife. I told her to get back in the kitchen. How does she respond? By doing what I told her to do, and returning to hit me with a frying pan. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 116
You deserved it 121 356

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Tooo bad it wasn't an iron skillet. LOL he deserves it

Yeah, his command was an act of genius & worked out so well didn't it. He's lucky she didn't come back with a butcher's knife.


Frankly, that's a ridiculous argument. It doesn't matter that previous generations were discriminated against; that isn't my generation, so why should I be "punished" or put at a disadvantage for it? This generation of women was also not part of the generation you are talking about, so they should be nothing more than equal.

dollypop_fml 0

Let's get this straight. They both did something wrong. That comment was highly uncalled for, and hitting someone with a frying pan? Wow. I really can't believe it. Nobody should say that, and nobody should assault their spouse with a frying pan. As for the OP: So... You get attacked by your wife after making an offhand comment, and one of the things that comes to mind is to POST IT ON FML? ARE YOU CRAZY? This is nowhere near funny. And I'm not insinuating that you posted this immediately after being attacked, but STILL. My words are most likely wasted on this.

terriibabiiix23 0

YDI for being such an asshole to your wife -_-

buddy, my mom did that. with a hot frying pan

Ha! you totally deserve it! I'm sorry but I have no sympathy for you at all. Bump knuckles with your wife for me!

ydi seriously u can't expect her to listen to u ah has feelings too I know

blahzz 4

If you added, 'and make me a sammich' maybe she would've smacked you and made you a sammich.