By PanFace - 13/10/2009 06:54 - Australia

Today, I had an argument with my wife. I told her to get back in the kitchen. How does she respond? By doing what I told her to do, and returning to hit me with a frying pan. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 116
You deserved it 121 356

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Tooo bad it wasn't an iron skillet. LOL he deserves it

Yeah, his command was an act of genius & worked out so well didn't it. He's lucky she didn't come back with a butcher's knife.


#251: Stop it with the double standards. Would you call a woman sexist if she told a man to go back to the TV/living room/

Averageman 0

she should have come back with sandwiches instead!

Actually, I didn't post the whole comment, because I hit the 'Save' button whilst halfway through typing it (I'm posting from my iPod) :P I see what you mean - but I find that sometimes the common stereotype for men is that they are lazy, untidy, etc (though this is sometimes true), and do nothing useful apart from working, and then watching TV and/or drinking beer. I hadn't really thought about the 'work' reference (in regards to the women/kitchen), but it makes sense.

SoulessOne 0

lol someone apparently visits 4chan too much FAIL

He's not sexist. I like him. I argued with my girlfriend, and I hit her with my Strat, cut her with my switchknife, smashed her over the head with a glass plate, and finally threw her into my windshield(it didn't break). She was in the hospital for 8 weeks, and I was in jail for 14 days due to domestic violence of the 1st degree. Follow in my footsteps.

great way to end an argument genius. "go back to the kitchen" is real forceful @.@

Sprinter136 2

#267 Jesus CHRIST, men talk about us women not being able to control our tempers and hormones? ******* use words to settle an argument, not violence and anger like a god damn animal. Animals use violence and anger to handle things because they can't use words, and they're unintelligent. Humans have the ability to use words and compose intelligent thoughts. Show that you've evolved and use your ******* brain if you have one. And I agree, 14 days for an assault of that severity? But then again, it doesn't really surprise me. These days, murder, the most unimaginable crime in my opinion, carries at least 15 years. Someone who kills should always spend the rest of their lives in prison, unless it was self defense.

Wow. Thats some colorful language you got there. I think you were godfucking abandoned at birth, bought for 10 cents, and thrown into a box. I hope the hobo who did this o you threw his shit in your ******* face, cause that's what you deserve. Do you think I give a **** what I did? Stupid ****, I agree with the stereotype that women are stupid at everything. Go to the ******* kitchen shitface. that's where bitches like you belong, dumbfuck

This is why FML posts need a report button

brilliantbarbie 0

its called the "moderate" button