By Brian - 04/05/2009 23:27 - United States

Today, I had my first real meeting with my girlfriend's parents. We had dinner at a pretty upscale restaurant and everything was going great. When the check came, I offered to pay and I stood up to take out my wallet. When I opened it, 3 condoms fell out on the table in front of them. FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 545
You deserved it 64 571

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Who put those condoms in my wallet?

ydi, for not listening to your high school sex ed teacher when they told you that keeping condoms in your wallet can cause them to be exposed to higher temperatures and/or weird conditions that affect their effectiveness.


What's crazy is in Europe they'd actually be glad that you carry condoms because it shows that you're prepared for sex. It's better than having unwanted pregnancies. It's so weird that our culture thinks it's bad and embarrassing for people to know that you're smart about sex.

Putting condoms in your wallet destroys them.