By Anonymous - 06/06/2011 23:20 - United States

By Anonymous - 06/06/2011 23:20 - United States
By unholy shit - 23/01/2012 22:33 - United States
By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2013 but it's good stuff - United States - Absecon
By amazed - 18/04/2012 23:08 - United States - Frisco
By Bigfatfailure - 28/03/2013 10:02 - United States - Garden Grove
By man down! man down... - 01/12/2019 03:00 - Canada - Ottawa
By Danielle - 25/10/2020 11:02
By S…… - 09/01/2011 10:18 - Singapore
By lyfisdyno - 12/09/2013 00:16 - United Kingdom - Malvern
By seepeezy32 - 02/02/2011 02:32
By Anonymous - 28/12/2022 03:00
Now, u can legitimately sing "I just had sex" jk lol. I feel bad 4 u...
asstastic. sorry about being a juggalo by default.
Way to copy my post
You know, it's really funny that everyone bashes juggalos. I completely don't understand where you guys even think you have the place to do that. It shows what kind of people you are. My fiancé is a juggalo... Yeah, maybe he's not as weird as half the guys in that scene (even though the best people are weird) he's still one. Honestly, you guys don't have the right to be assholes to them. They're just a huge family showing love for each other... They're more accepting than any other group in the world. It doesn't matter if you're black, white, gay, straight, fat, or skinny; they'll love you no matter what. I've never seen anything like it. So if you guys are so desperate to make people feel lower than dirt you should probably go after Lady Gaga's "little monsters" too. It's the exact same thing, except Lady Gaga's music actually makes my ears bleed.
Not a reason to treat the fans like that...
So far I don't think Gaga's "little monsters" are anywhere near as obnoxious or creepy as juggalos. I mean, really? Nowhere even on the same scale... I daresay juggalos are creepier than furries.
That's like saying ALL of Gaga's fans are gay. Not all juggalos are the same... If you met my fiancé I bet money you wouldn't even think he was one. Sorry they're "creepy" to you but that doesn't make it right to be so against them. Theyre people too.
No, I'd say your hubs isn't a juggalo then. Good for you! I was worried for a sec.
Wow you're a ****** idiot. Sounds like you don't even know what a juggalo is.
you know I honestly think that people don't hate them for what they listen to cause I'm very good friends with a juggalo and he is a marine now and I would do anything for him but he has his friends that are really ****** up and treat being a juggalo to a different level and make it act like a gang or treat people who aren't juggalos like a huge piece of shit just because they are different than them it's not that people hate what they listen to it's probably that the people who they have encountered that listen to icp have been royal douches and that's what made them hate them and like you said your fiancé is an awesome guy which he probably is but there are others who **** it up for everyone else
girl, I'm on the same boat as you. but, my ex was a marine and was shit in bed, and now my fiancé who's a juggalo is fantastic. from all of this, I think the juggalo should be saying "FML" not the op!
I honestly don't care if you or your fiance or anyone else self-identifies as a juggalo, but one can ruin it for several, and it looks like most peoples impressions and dealings with juggalos and ICP fans have not been good. In addition, your anger here isn't really doing your boy's defense any good either. As expected, juggalos and juggalo-lovers are aggressive and foul.
I'm a juggalo. since 1997 and I'm down for life. real juggalos know that we are one big family. 200 million strong. the ones who act like juggalos are a gang, go out hurting people are nothing but fake ass bitches. all you "juggalo haters" treat us like how whites treated blacks back in the day. 98% of you have no ******* reason as of why you hate us. and saying "their scum of the earth" "trailer trash" is not a reason. it's just you being a pompous asshole. MMFWCL to all the Juggalos out there. keep it wickid!
That's what she said.
are juggalos the retards that paint their faces and take a bunch of pics and post them on facebook??
you're being to vague with your statement. lots of heavy metal/Black metal fans also paint their faces up too.
How was i being vague i asked a question about "juggalos" and i've never once seen a metallica fan wearing clown make-up and taking pictures.
Not all of us are like that. Yes there are some out there who gives us bad names! But there are thos like me that don't make myself look like a complete douche!!!
Psh. I'm jealous. Alaska has no juggalos.
*buys a one way plane ticket to Alaska*
Urban Dictionary definition of a juggalo: For the most part, an uneducated, pathetic excuse for a human being who listens to the group ICP who are bold enough to actually consider themselves musicians. People you see wearing "hatchet-man" accesories. They should not be allowed to reproduce, because that is too cruel to future generations. ICP isn't rap, it isn't metal, it isn't rap/metal, and it isn't horrorpop. There is only one way to properly categorize ICP; unnecessarily and unartfully offensive and obnoxious noise. That juggalo is stupid enough to think that ICP is music.
Juggalos are a group of people who have each other's back and give each other support. They're a family. They are fans of psychopathic records (an underground record label) This doesn't mean they are limited to listening to only psychopathic records as many people think. Juggalos come from all all walks of life and can be any age. There aren't any rules to being a juggalo. Juggalos are stereotyped as stoners and drinkers, however some juggalos don't smoke and drink. It's more of a way of life than a label or style. Juggalos don't have to participate in any certain activity to be down (down with the clown means there a juggalo). Juggalos are often friendly and easy to get along with. Sometimes they flip out when you insult juggalos or anything that symbolizes them (just stickin up for the fam), others don't even pay a hater any attention. They tend not to be judge-mental. Juggalos don't have to wear face paint. I'm a juggalette (female juggalo) and I hardly ever paint my face even though it does look pretty fresh! Some females call themselves juggalos because they were down before the term juggalette existed. Juggalos often means a group of both male and female. Every juggalo and juggalette i've met has been extremely chill and easy to get along with (even before i was down). Some words... Lo or Lette - short for juggalo or juggalette Whoop whoop! - shout out to another juggalo (yell it and ya get one back) MCL - much clown love Say what you will of me. I'll always have juggalo family.
just wanted to show you how wrong you are :) btw I'm a ninjette and I'm ****** proud! to all the family! learn before you comment on what you don't know about! and no we as lo's and Lette's don't worship them but love them because were accepted rather then shunned for ring different and not fitting in your perfectly made world!
hope you used protection
Umm.. Well, here's the solution: Don't. You obviously wanted to have sex with him, otherwise it would be an entirely different FML. You ARE capable of deciding who to screw.. If you're desperate enough to have sex with a juggalo, when you obviously dislike that, then that's your fault. Get a vibrator, or stop doing whoever comes along.