By Anonymous - 06/06/2011 23:20 - United States

Today, I had sex with a Juggalo. FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 955
You deserved it 60 913

Same thing different taste

Top comments

kwt2007 2
dudeitsdanny 9

Umm.. Well, here's the solution: Don't. You obviously wanted to have sex with him, otherwise it would be an entirely different FML. You ARE capable of deciding who to screw.. If you're desperate enough to have sex with a juggalo, when you obviously dislike that, then that's your fault. Get a vibrator, or stop doing whoever comes along.


krystal2424 0

on the plus side, you could afford it! :D

I have listened to ICP (Insane Clown Posse) most of my life, and it's funny as always to see people trolling all over them calling them bad, and Juggalo's, and Juggalette's are stupid/ Low cast I mean honestly get your facts right not all of us are retarded and half brained. I still grew up southern Rockabilly but I'm not afraid to admit I'm Juggalo. I really don't care if people just down this comment but, I thought i would throw in my two cents. It's funny how so many people are quick to judge. Also if you want to down ICP I would like to see you try getting 5 gold albums coming from underground and not mainstream.

bezach 0

yes 56, just yes. and a qoute from icp "to be a juggalo you don't have to know the lyrics of every song or the slang, you just need to get a positive vibe and you are a juggalo" so this fml is pretty much like "today I slept with a music fan, fml"

Riddel 3

dude. I'm in the same boat as you. I'm in college for mortuary science and get so much shit for just liking a band and understanding their message. -.-'

stewie13_666 0

whoop whoop. I feel ya homie. much love. stay wickid

get your facts straight. most juggalos don't have horns.

lmao some people dont know the difference between a gigallow and a juggalow. unfortunatly i live by detroit where icp and faygo are very popular. let me tell you these people are the scum of the earth. fyl indeed

actually, you yourself would also be scum. not that i'm saying some juggalo's are not, but there are those who judge and harass others for decisions and what they like. these accusations is what makes the world hate one another, I am scum cause I have my own pet peeves against religion, and everyone is scum for something because we all chip in to making the world bad and not seeing what good would be done if people just accepted others.

chaoticnh 0

I can't take you seriously with your name as "orgasmic bunnies" just saying

im a juggalette and juggalos are the best!! whoop whoop MCL

Lette_4_Life 2

let me guess your extremely ugly, fat, have really bad teeth, desperate, and take a shower twice a month... three times if it's Christmas or the month your birthday is in..... you love to suck on pickles for practice but nobody ever let's you suck their penis... other than that you probably lay in your bed all day eating cupcakes and brownies while you finger bang your stinky hole, but you always run out of breath before you can accomplish an ******

maryp93 0

um and how is that a bad thing???

my2centsworth 15

Excuse me. What's a juggalo?