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By mylifesucks - 31/01/2014 23:50 - France - Paris

Today, my girlfriend and I made love. She stared at her One Direction poster the whole time. FML
I agree, your life sucks 59 345
You deserved it 12 688

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well, since apparently that kind of behavior is acceptable, I would take this opportunity to put a poster of someone you find attractive on your wall for the same purpose. Seems fair to me.

transcedental 18

Aw, honey, that sucks. I am sorry. But on the other hand if you have a girlfriend that's into OD, isn't she too young to be doing it? *cough*


Well, since apparently that kind of behavior is acceptable, I would take this opportunity to put a poster of someone you find attractive on your wall for the same purpose. Seems fair to me.

Ok, off topic, but I hate it when girls think it's ok for them to have pictures of Zac efron or whatever all over the place but not ok for a guy to have pictures of beautiful women. Sorry for the rant

You don't need to apologize when you are correct.

I completely agree with the notion that relationships should be relatively hypocrite free. I am appalled that wall space would be wasted on Zac Efron, though.

#44 I think it's cause generally the beautiful women posters are half naked and the men are usually fully clothed. Then again, if you fancy the person in the poster it's all the same.

wellthen7154 12

I can't say Ill ever have that problem, my only posters are Minecraft related. I don't know how my **boyfriend would react if I stared at a creeper the whole time :/ **Non-Existent

69, not necessarily true. There are plenty of examples of when said guy is shirtless.

ZY1431 24

thats messed up. id definitely get a post of someone u have the hots for hah.

You both posted at the exact same time. He couldn't have seen yours while he was writing his.

ZY1431 24

Sorry at the time I posted I saw only 1 comment made by bananas :(

You're right, 12, except that he edited his comment afterwards. The original comment said something completely different. I was definitely being facetious. The bunch level of my underpants is quite low, I can assure you.

transcedental 18

Aw, honey, that sucks. I am sorry. But on the other hand if you have a girlfriend that's into OD, isn't she too young to be doing it? *cough*

Not necessarily. I'm a 20 year old guy and like 1D. Not everyone is painted with the same brush. :)

transcedental 18

Oh. Soo.. you also stare at your 1D poster, while making love to your girlfriend. Well. I guess.. different strokes for different folks. I recommend doggy's style (and maybe a reconsideration of your musical preferences, but I think I am pushing too far with this one.) Seriously, tho. I was obviously making a joke with my first comment. :] But I honestly feel bad for the OP, no matter whose poster was up that wall, I bet the feeling was terrible. ;/

yeah I tend to agree with this... 1D? no thank you!

That's good that you admit that. My grandparents love One Direction. They're 85 and 86.

has anyone even heard them without autotune it sounds like a thousand cats in a line getting ran over by a forklift with a governor

@47 they were on idols or x factor or whatever, so the must have the abillity to sing. And besides; it's not autotune. Just some basic edditing to make the sound smoother and stuff. I hate to admit it; but I've seen them live, they sound pretty much the same, just exhausted.

Well I dont think they use autotune, but just because they don't doesn't mean it's because they are talented singers. in my opinion 1D is a joke like the rest of the singers in our generation (Like Justin Bieber and Nicki Minaj)

jazzy_123 20

I think 1D is the most respectful over Minaj and especially JB. JB is just a bad role model and a brat, Minaj has some really dumb music and tries to hard to be Gaga, and 1D? When have you heard anything bad about them? I don't listen to them but I won't talk crap on them either.

#74 Justin is a brat? you sound like Nancy Grace. Justin is an asshole who thinks he's better than everyone.

twerk4satan 6

Inb4 butthurt one direction fans... Woops too late.

#48, first off, the fact that they were on x-factor doesn't make them good. In fact, most of the people on those shows suck ass. Second of all, they do use autotune. Lastly, there are live autotune synthesizers. And they probably lip sync anyway, pics of them playing live show that they don't even plug in their electric guitars.

meh, dunno, I don't like their music anyway :p Went there for my little sisters birthday, since she was to young to be going alone. But I'm pretty sure they didn't lipsync at that time, because of the *many* mistakes they made. Don't know about the guitars though.

I know I will get thumbed down for this, however, I do think it's annoying that everyone assumes OP's girlfriend has to be very young/immature for having a 1D poster on her wall. Everyone should be allowed to listen to whatever they want, regardless of age and gender. And hating on an artist because you don't like them is just wrong, no matter who they are. They make music because that's what they love to do, and a lot of people just happen to like it. That you're not one of them doesn't make them a bad artist/band/group. I'm not saying this because I'm one of those diehard one direction fans. In fact, there's hardly any music made after 2001 on my playlist. Am I an immature person for having a kurt cobain flag on my wall, too?

On their first two albums, yes. But on the two recent ones 98 percent of the songs they wrote except for the sucky singles which even I hate and I love them

ThatFancyPenn 18

Your second comment we funnier than the first one too :P

Noting wrong about having sex fantasies, but she shouldn't be so obvious... Maybe you could role play? Then turn the table so she could play along with one of your fantasies? ;)

hmh06 4

If she has a one direction poster she's too young for you bro!

My teacher is 40 and she loves One Direction.

Well, I think I speak for everyone when I ask, is she of age?

Merylwen 24

YDI. She's clearly too young/immature for sex.

KeannaLove 32

Just because she likes one direction doesn't mean she young or immature. I know plenty of females and males who love them and are in their 20's and 30's.

I think the point is more that she stared at her poster for the whole ENTIRE time, rather than the fact that she loves one direction.